Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Present Success!

I finally found a gift for C that's developmentally appropriate, that she will LOVE, and that I'm proud to give her!  My mom, who knew about it because of my sis-in-law (who also has kiddos with sensory issues and disabilities), turned me onto, which is chock-full of educational toys and goodies.  When I found a Sand & Water Table, I couldn't resist.  It's right up C's alley.

Sure, I'll have to reorganize her entire room to find a place for it, but I'm cool with that.  That room needs an overhaul anyway, now that she gets out of bed and destroys things on her own, whether it's naptime, bedtime, or playtime.  Her teacher is always telling me how much she enjoys the water table at school, so I know this is something that C will L-O-V-E, and it's not going to break or be forgotten in a month.

Sadly, it wasn't an inexpensive gift...  But we're justifying it by calling it her Christmas and birthday (in January) gift combined.  We couldn't have afforded it without the 30% CyberMonday special that Lakeshore is having, so I'm very grateful for that.  At last, a gift that C can use, appreciate, that's BENEFICIAL to her, and that I can be happy giving her.  This will be a Merry Christmas after all!

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