Thursday, December 8, 2011

I Missed the Memo On That One...

So, you know how they say you shouldn't work out for a while after a dental procedure? OOPS. I completely forgot, nothing was mentioned during my appointment, and I went STRAIGHT FROM THE DENTIST TO THE GYM to meet with my trainer. I was wondering why I was so shaky and weak throughout my workout, but I just figured it was because I missed my normal workouts this week due to the craziness around here. It wasn't until I blacked out and fell over into my trainer's chair that I realized something

was up and figured out what it was. Sometimes I'm a complete idiot. All I can really say is, Oops. I've decided to take up running. I've seen a lot of people on Twitter who run marathons and 5Ks and the like to raise awareness and/or funds for autism and other special needs, and that's a bandwagon I'd really like to jump upon! Because I'm prone to dizzy spells when I do cardio, I brought it up with my trainer, and we're going to start easing into it with next week's workouts. I'm going to run for a minute on the treadmill, followed by walking for a minute, running for a minute, walking for a minute, and so on. The next week, it'll be run 2min, walk 1min; the next week: run 3min, walk 1min... And you get the picture. The idea is to gradually build up endurance and acclimate my body to running so I can do it safely. It's going to take a long time before I can run a 5K or anything like that, but I'll be working toward a goal and making progress every week, and that counts for something. A lot, really.

I left the dentist two hours ago. My face is still mostly numb, except for the tooth that was worked on, which hurts. Anesthetic fail.

On that note, I'm gonna go wait in the living room for C's bus to bring her home from school. There's nothing like a toothache to make you want to hold your kiddo. ;)

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